
Visually AI

Heather Cooper

Your weekly dose of AI news, tools, and innovation with a visual twist. Breaking down barriers to make AI content creation accessible to all. Expressing my own personal takes and educating readers in the world of Artificial Intelligence.

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Welcome to Visually AI

Hello Reader Thank you for subscribing to Visually AI, your go-to source for the latest tips, tools, and tech to create mind-blowing content through AI. I'm Heather Cooper, the creator of this newsletter, and I'm thrilled to have you on board. As someone passionate about AI, I understand how overwhelming and fast-paced the news can be. I created Visually AI to help you stay informed without drowning in information. Every week, I curate and highlight the most relevant and actionable insights...

7 months ago • 3 min read

Created in Midjourney AI Navigation - The Simple Strategy Total reading time around 5 minutes. Welcome to Visually AI! Good morning Reader! I’m overwhelmed. And I'm sure you are too. The number of AI products available is growing and growing and I can’t find the time to try many outside of what I already use. I imagine you feel the same way, so I thought a quick strategy guide overview might help you with your choice. Understanding Generative AI Tools Generative AI has introduced a surge of...

5 days ago • 5 min read

The next new shiny AI tool... Hello Reader, In the last year and a half, the landscape of Artificial Intelligence has changed dramatically. Every week brings a new gadget, app, or tool claiming to revolutionize how we live, work, and play. With so much to choose from, how do we decide what’s actually beneficial for us? Think Before You Leap Before you jump on the latest AI trend, take a moment to reflect on what you really need. An AI tool should not just be a shiny new toy; it should offer...

13 days ago • 5 min read

Hello Reader, Meta, (formerly Facebook), has been a big player in the evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) within the tech industry. And before we dive into their recent advances, let's take a quick look at how they've been a leading player in AI. Meta's journey into AI began as a quest to enhance user interactions and streamline content delivery across all of its platforms. It started in 2013 when Meta established its AI Research Lab (FAIR). One of the earliest applications of AI at...

20 days ago • 6 min read

Hello Reader, Today, we dive into a world of AI music... Udio Udio is latest AI music tool and it’s been getting a LOT of attention! Of course, it’s being compared to Suno AI and some people are choosing sides (if it was that easy!) I wrote about Suno AI’s Version 3 last week, with a sample of my first Suno-created music track, here. Personally, I am all for more competition, options, and types of generative AI tools, especially when they are free! Udio is currently free and allows you to...

29 days ago • 3 min read

Hello Reader, As Artificial continues to divide opinion, there was a new development that came out recently which warmed my heart. I was thrilled to read about an extraordinary leap forward in the preservation of history, brought to life at the National WWII Museum in New Orleans. Voices From The Front The "Voices From the Front" project at the National WWII Museum in New Orleans aimed to leverage the power of artificial intelligence. The idea was to build a bridge between the past and the...

about 1 month ago • 3 min read

Hello Reader, This edition of Visually AI is sponsored by Hydra by Rightsify Hydra II: The AI Music Powerhouse Trained on Over 50,000 Hours of Music Hydra II enables creators and businesses to create high quality AI music at scale in any genre. No more copyright strikes and never pay for music licenses again. Hydra II is trained on a Rightsify-owned dataset of over 1 million songs and 50,000 hours of music, featuring 800+ instruments and available in 50+ languages. Hydra II is 2.5x the size...

about 2 months ago • 2 min read

Hello Reader, Welcome to Visually AI! 🔮 AI News This Week Top Generative AI Tools Andreesen Horowitz published “The Top 100 Gen AI Consumer Apps,” and it’s full of interesting findings. Apps were analyzed based on monthly visits to determine how consumers used these tools. The report compares the new rankings to the previous report from 6 months ago, and more than 40% of the brands are new to the updated list! Read the full report here. I will cover some of the apps on these lists over the...

about 2 months ago • 4 min read

Hello Reader, Total reading time around 5 minutes. Welcome to Visually AI! 🔮AI News This Week Claude 3 Anthropic released the new Claude 3 model family, including Sonnet and Opus, with a third model, Haiku, coming soon. Takeaways from Anthropic’s announcement about Claude 3: Claude 3 Opus is Anthropic’s most intelligent model, outperforming peers on benchmarks like expert knowledge (MMLU), reasoning (GPQA), and math (GSM8K). It exhibits near-human comprehension with complex tasks. The models...

2 months ago • 3 min read

Hello Reader, Today, we take a look at GroqChat. GroqChat: Lightning-Fast ChatGPT Alternative Groq - not to be confused with 𝕏’s Grok - is a new, extremely fast chatbot you can currently use for free. (link) It's an alternative to ChatGPT, Perplexity, Gemini, and other chatbots. The speed comes from a new type of technology custom-built for Groq. The GroqChip is a Language Processing Unit (LPU), instead of GPUs used by other similar tools. I asked Groq questions to develop future content for...

3 months ago • 1 min read

Good evening Reader, In the past year we have seen massive changes in the world of Artificial Intelligence. And while people who are monitoring and keeping up to date notice these changes, it may pass a lot of the world by. Except for when something big happens and it feels like a true milestone has been reached. For example, the launch of ChatGPT or when Midjourney went from v3 to v4, the world paused for a moment to see if robots were coming to our doorsteps. However, while LLM's & text to...

3 months ago • 4 min read
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